The founder of Tone Specific Pickups got his start in this industry working at Virgil Arlo Pickups. He met many pro's that used the Arlo pickups so it's no coincidence that you see some of the same artists using both pickups.

We are proud of this affiliation and honored to carry on the tradition of delivering these pro-level pickups to top-flight musicians. 

Sometimes we get asked if we make any pickups at Tone Specific that are like the Virgil Arlo designs. Although certain aspects may have been slightly influenced by this affiliation, the Tone Specific Pickup designs are unique and stand on there own two feet. Since you are here, take a look around site to see what we are all about.

The winder known as "Virgil Arlo" wound is no longer winding pickups & prices for his used pickups have approached $3,000. As of January 2021, we've obtained certain tools and the remaining part supply that were used to make Virgil Arlo Pickups. We are proud to announce that we will make the Virgil Arlo Collection of Pickups until the part supply is depleted. For more information CLICK HERE.

To learn more about what we do, please watch the video below.


If you have any questions about Virgil Arlo Pickups, then you need to visit 

Here are some FAQ's we get regarding Virgil Arlo Pickups.

Q: Can you get me an amp quote from Virgil Arlo Amps?

A: Visit Virgil Arlo Amps at

Q: Where do I get more info about Virgil Arlo PAF Humbucker?

A: Visit Virgil Arlo PAF Humbucker webpage

Q: Are Virgil Arlo Pickups Worth it?

A: Check the youtube reviews or visit Virgil Arlo Pickups Forum Posts.

Q: What is the Virgil Arlo 1954 Price?

A: For all prices, visit  

Q: Can I get more information about Virgil Arlo Model 54 Strat Pickups?

A: For more information of Virgil Arlo Pickups visit

Compare Tele Pickups:

1951 Jazzy Telecaster Pickups by Tone Specific vs. Virgil Arlo 1952 Tele Pickups 

1952 Twangy Tele Pickups by Tone Specific vs. Virgil Arlo 1952 Tele Pickups

1955 Blues Tele Pickups by Tone Specific vs. Virgil Arlo 1952 Tele Pickups

1971 Punchy Tele Pickups by Tone Specific vs. Virgil Arlo 1952 Tele Pickups

Virgil Arlo Guitar Forum:

Most Relevant TGP TheGearPage.Net Guitar Forum Post about Virgil Arlo:


Most Relevant MLP Guitar Forum Posts about Virgil Arlo:


Most Relevant Tele Guitar Forum Posts:

Most Relevant Virgil Arlo Forum post from


Virgil Arlo Pickups Youtube Reviews:


Competition is fierce in this business. Some of our peers have used Virgil Arlo Pickups Forum and Chat Boards to launch attacks. We wish them all well, we understand that's just part of the game. In the end, only the tone matters & players with good ears know the difference.